Roasted Roots with Kohlrabi


It’s cold in Los Angeles.  When the temperatures dip I automatically revert to Vermont winter warm up the house tactics–turn the oven on and roast something.  Since I’ve been feeling like a fat cow, I’m thinking veggies roasted are a good way to feel full yet not chow down on my new addiction Quadratini Lemon wafers.


I saw kohlrabi at the farmers’ market.  Never tried it so, what the hell?  It’s the new year, what have I got to lose?  Plus, it’s got to taste better than beets.  There were tons of carrots in assorted colors, plus long purple onions.  When I looked in my bag I thought there was a meal.


There’s really no recipe for this.  Simply clean and chop veggies, toss with a minimum of olive olive, chop some of the rosemary from your neighbor’s bush, roast at 350 for about 30-45 minutes.


New Years Resolution 2013:  Eat the remaining 8 bags of lemon Quadratini and never, ever buy 12 bags again.  I feel confident I can achieve this goal.

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2 Responses to Roasted Roots with Kohlrabi

  1. Yes, I too am feeling like a cow! I’ve never had Kohlrabi, but I do love roasted veggies. I’ll give ’em a try!

  2. Kohlrabi is great. Thanks for stopping by.

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